Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence

Giving, Growth, Excellence


On behalf of my colleagues, the members of the Orthodox Educational Society Board of Directors, I am pleased to welcome you to the OES website. Along with the sites of the educational institutions working under the OES umbrella, we hope this serves as yet another open channel of communication to help us provide the best service to our students and the various segments of society which we serve.

Established in 1957, OES is one of the oldest societies in Jordan. We are proud to be pioneers in providing humanitarian and educational services to all members of our Jordanian community. 

يسعدني باسم أعضاء الهيئة الإدارية لجمعية الثّقافة والتّعليم الأرثوذكسية أن أرحّب بزوّار الموقع الإلكتروني للجّمعية والمدارس، آملا أن يكون هذا الموقع حلقة تواصل إضافيّة نستطيع من خلاله تقديم أفضل الخدمات لطلابنا الأعزاء ولشرائح مجتمعنا الأردنيّ كافّة.

تأسّست جمعيتنا عام 1957 وهي من أقدم الجمعيّات الخيريّة التي تأسّست بالمملكة ونفتخر على الدوام بانها السبّاقة لتقديم خدماتها لجميع أبناء مجتمعنا الأردني في كافّة المجالات التّعليمية والإنسانية.

Our Projects


OES believes in kindness, not only to humanity but also to Mother Earth. That is why we have started moving towards go


The Sports & Culture Building, which was inaugurated on April 14, 2016, is considered one of OES’s most important achievements in recent years

Contact Us

5 Al Hajjaj Al Sahmi, Shmaisani, Amman

00962 6 5674418/9

941502 Amman 11194 Jordan